Gambling addiction in Fremont County could be on rise, but not on radar
There have been rumors that Fremont County is experiencing a rise in gambling addiction amongst its residents. Wyoming Public Radio’s Irina Zhorov reports that whether the rumors are true or not is still unclear, but some services are popping up to address it regardless.
Prevention Management Org.’s Rich Lindsey talks about alcohol, tobacco, and suicide in WY
Issues that include alcohol, tobacco and suicide are serious problems in Wyoming. In recent months Community prevention specialists in each county in the state have been compiling a needs assessment developed by the Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center, or WYSAC. The specialists are trying to identify the extent of the problem in each of the three topic areas and the next step is to try and find some solutions. Rich Lindsey, who represents the Prevention Management Organization of Wyoming says they picked those topic areas for a reason.
State Superintendent Cindy Hill Interview
Superintendent Cindy Hill discusses the state education system.
Parents want a dual-language immersion program in Casper; one parent explains why
A group of parents are trying to get dual-language immersion programs set up in Casper. They’d like two elementary schools to start these programs, and the focus would be on Spanish and Chinese. Thea True-Wells is the parent who’s spearheading the effort. She joins me now to talk about it, along with Ann Tollefson, an outside consultant who has evaluated dual language programs in other states.
Jeffrey City Sheriff Deputy J.D. Darnell looks back on Jeffrey City during the boom and bust
J.D. Darnell is a resident of Jeffrey City and has served as Sheriff's Deputy since the 1970s. The town is a lot quieter now than it was during the last uranium boom, which brought miners to the region, and plenty of excitement. That was all over by the mid-80s.Darnell looks back on Jeffrey City then, and now.
A poem about Jeffrey City by Lori Howe
Jeffrey City might look like a lonely area to some, but it can also be inspirational. Laramie writer and poet Lori Howe shares her thoughts in this piece called Jeffrey City, Wyoming.
Laramie-based wildlife forensics lab uses DNA to solve poaching cases
Each year, the Game and Fish Department discovers dozens of wildlife crimes in Wyoming. They range from hunting without a license, to killing an animal from the road. The department takes these infractions very seriously, and runs a cutting-edge wildlife forensics lab to investigate them. Wyoming Public Radio’s Willow Belden visited the lab and filed this report.
Black Dog Animal Rescue saves lives
Wyoming Animal Shelters are overcrowded and that means many pets get killed every year. But some organizations are taking an aggressive approach in trying to get more animals adopted and have fewer animals put to death. One of those is the Black Dog Animal Rescue in Cheyenne. The program involves a number of volunteers and a strong on-line and social media effort. Wyoming Public Radio’s Bob Beck reports.