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Day Of Dedication & Guidelines

To sign up for a Day of Dedication please contact Ry Woody:

Celebrate or commemorate with a special message to that someone special! You can dedicate a broadcast day on Wyoming Public Radio. It’s a unique way to honor a special person or occasion. It’s that easy.

Day of Dedication Wording Guidelines

To ensure a message that will be appropriate to air, please consider the following:

  • The Day of Dedication on-air message should commemorate a personal event, special occasion or achievement of an individual or not-for-profit group.
  • Messages must be 25 words or less.
  • Messages may not include contact information of any kind. No addresses, emails, phone numbers, or web addresses.
  • Political, religious, advocacy or controversial messages cannot be accepted.

General Samples Day of Dedication Messages

  • This broadcast day is sponsored in memory of Private James Huggins, 254th Infantry Regiment
  • This broadcast day is sponsored in dedication to Dr. Maggi Murdock, Dean of the University of Wyoming Outreach School, for her service to the University
  • This broadcast day is sponsored in dedication to Joe Baxter on his Birthday
  • This broadcast day is sponsored by [your name] in honor of [a special person and/or event in your life]

Day of Dedications 2025
Day of Dedications 2024
Day of Dedications 2023
Day of Dedications 2022
Day of Dedications 2021
Day of Dedications 2020
Day of Dedications 2019
Day of Dedications 2018
Day of Dedications 2017
Day of Dedications 2016
Day of Dedications 2015

Day of Dedication FAQ's

  • What is the giving level required for a day sponsor?
    • For a contribution of $360 (Donation), we will air a recorded spot five times on a specified day.
  • How many announcements do I get, and when will they be aired?
    • The message will be announced during the broadcast day. We will follow a predetermined schedule for announcements, unless prohibited by technical difficulties or a special broadcast.
  • How long can my message be?
    • We ask that you keep your message to 25 words or less. We will edit if necessary. We will let you know if the wording of your message has been changed.
  • Are there any limits on what my message can be about?
    • The purpose of the dedication is to acknowledge special events or people. Generally, we announce celebrations of birthdays and anniversaries or commemorate the memory of someone. An individual may recognize a non-profit organization, but the message may not be promotional in nature. A Day of Dedication cannot be used for business advertising or the expression of ideological, theological or political opinions. We will not accept pet names, business names, personal opinions or promotion of personal causes. Wyoming Public Radio reserves the right to evaluate all messages and to reject those that are deemed incompatible with our broadcast mission.

  • How much advance notice do you require to get my message on the air?
    • Day of Dedication is offered as space allows and on a first-come, first-served basis. Our staff needs at least 5 business days to record and schedule the spots.

  • What if the date I choose is not available?
    • If you have a specific time in mind, we strongly recommend contacting us as soon as possible to ensure that we can reserve your time. Please email Ry Woody at rywoody@uwyo.edu, or call 307-766-2181.
  • How can I be sure my name will be pronounced correctly?
    • To assist our on-air announcers, please provide phonetic spelling for any words in your dedication that are commonly mispronounced. (Example: Phonetic = foh-NEH-tihk.) Providing rhyming syllables helps too.
  • Does a Day of Dedication have a fair market value? (will requesting a Day of Dedication as my thank-you gift affect the tax-deductibility of my contribution?)
    • No. Days of Dedication do not have a fair market value and therefore do not affect the tax-deductibility of your contribution.
  • I have another question not covered in your FAQ.
    • Please contact Wyoming Public Radio at 307-766-2181 or email Ry Woody at rywoody@uwyo.edu.

  • I have no more questions. I'm ready to donate my Day of Dedication to Wyoming Public Radio.
    • You may enter your comments as well as your donation by clicking the Day of Dedication option on our secure Donation Page.