A recent report by a group called Good Jobs First suggested that Wyoming doesn’t track business incentives to make sure that they create good jobs. The report was critical of all of Wyoming’s economic development incentives. But the CEO of the economic development group Cheyenne Leads begs to differ. Randy Bruns is also the President of the Wyoming Economic Development Association and he says the legislature pays very close attention to what is done with state money.
“The legislature puts a lot of emphasis on trying to understand the results of these programs and all of these programs have job criteria," says Bruns. "So to say that they don’t have job criteria or the job criterion is weak is incorrect. Or to say that they are not looked at or there is no scrutiny, or to imply that is incorrect.”
Bruns also defended the governor’s proposal to spend more money on data centers saying that they are very important to enhancing the state’s tax base.