The new supercomputer known as Cheyenne was officially dedicated at a ceremony Tuesday in the city it was named after. Governor Matt Mead, University of Wyoming President Laurie Nichols and Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr were all in attendance, among other state leaders. Tony Busalacchi is the President of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research or UCAR. He said Cheyenne is the 22 most powerful in the world and three times stronger than the Yellowstone supercomputer it’s replacing.
He said having such powerful computers in Wyoming has already had a positive impact on the state’s economy.
“It already is helping to diversify the economy and the talent base in the state. The fact that Cheyenne and the Wyoming supercomputing center is there has contributed to the growth of high tech companies in Cheyenne and literally creators of hundreds of new high paying jobs,” said Busalachi.
He said it’s also useful tool for diversifying the state’s economy. For instance, by researching carbon capture technology.
“It’s the technology to take carbon out of the atmosphere. And then how do you sequester it in the deep earth? And what do you need to know about the subsurface geology of the earth?” he asked. “These are all high performance computing grand challenges and require people from across many different disciplines to work together.”
Busalachi said scientists will also be able to use the supercomputer to predict weather three months in advance, instead of only one week in advance, something important for national security and many industries.