Nothing captures the flavor of Wyoming like a well-told story! Wyoming Stories was created to capture the history of Wyoming, though the memories of those who live here, often through generations. It’s the tale of a woman whose great-grandparents braved the elements to eke out a living on the grasslands, or the story of a young Slovenian immigrant who came to Wyoming to work in the coal fields in Rock Springs. It’s stories of our state, the people who came here, their hopes, and their ambitions.
You won’t find perfection among these pieces – rather – you’ll find the voice of real people painting a picture of the real Wyoming – the way it was – the way it is. Wyoming Stories is modeled partly on the successful NPR Story Corp project. It encourages the story teller lose all apprehension about the microphone and the recording equipment, and just tell the story from the heart.
We hope that you’ll enjoy these moments in Wyoming’s history, and share them with your friends and families, and incorporate them into your teaching materials. Wyoming’s past is too rich in history to let it go by without committing its stories to posterity. Some of them are here, on these pages. Enjoy!